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Bollon: The Folly

24 FLAC Discount

Drawing on historical texts, Fabrice Bollon’s opera The Folly focuses on Erasmus of Rotterdam, the influential Renaissance reformer, cosmopolitan humanist and intellectual, who, in old age, reflects on the events of his life. Past and present converge as fictional figures from his books or real-life antagonists appear in much the same way as Bollon merges periods through his creative use of several 16th-century compositions. Set in an age of polarised extremism that reflects our own times, Erasmus’s humanism requires vigilance, defence and reinvention.
    File formats included in STUDIO QUALITY
    • FLAC 24-bit Stereo
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
    File formats included in CD QUALITY | MP3
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
$ 11.78
Extra material for download
Disc 1
01 The Folly, Act I: Tu solus qui facis mirabilia… (Chorus,
Mother, Nun, Priest [Father])
01:50 $ 0.18 USD
02 The Folly, Act I: Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Domine
virtutum… (Boy, Chorus, Erasmus)
01:38 $ 0.16 USD
03 The Folly, Act I: Armentatim vivunt elephanti gregatim
pascuntur sues et oves (Erasmus, Stultitia, Chorus)
03:23 $ 0.34 USD
04 The Folly, Act I: Montag Kohl und Schwarzbrot, Dienstag Kohl
und Schwarzbrot (Büsslin, Erasmus)
00:55 $ 0.09 USD
05 The Folly, Act I: Luther puts his 95 Theses on the door of
the portal
01:48 $ 0.18 USD
06 The Folly, Act I: Requiem eternam (Chorus, Boy) 02:06 $ 0.21 USD
07 The Folly, Act I: Quid hoc mali est? (Pope Julius II,
02:00 $ 0.20 USD
08 The Folly, Act I: Quam quam indigna res est Julium illum
(Pope Julius II, Priests)
01:38 $ 0.16 USD
09 The Folly, Act I: Exspecto quorsum evadas (Petrus, Pope
Julius II, Priests)
02:47 $ 0.28 USD
10 The Folly, Act I: Nulla ratione potest amoveri scelerosus
pestilens Pontifex? (Petrus, Pope Julius II)
02:36 $ 0.26 USD
11 The Folly, Act I: Palatiis regalibus, equis et munis (Pope
Julius II, Priests, Petrus)
01:47 $ 0.18 USD
12 The Folly, Act I: Eigenlijk kon dit door mij geschreven
geweest zijn (Erasmus, Büsslin)
00:51 $ 0.09 USD
13 The Folly, Act I: Sonne guate Kabis (Büsslin, Erasmus) 01:13 $ 0.12 USD
14 The Folly, Act I: Was seh ich! Polyphem mit einem Buch
01:36 $ 0.16 USD
15 The Folly, Act I: How daring. Very unique! (Stultitia) 01:15 $ 0.13 USD
16 The Folly, Act II: Ich will, dass Ihr Euch des Problems
Martin Luther annehmt (Pope Leo X, Luther, Chorus)
03:41 $ 0.37 USD
17 The Folly, Act II: Madonna io mi consumo, et per grave
dolore corr'alla morte… (Boy, Secretary of Pope Leo X,
Envoy, Luther, Chorus)
03:32 $ 0.35 USD
18 The Folly, Act II: Alle diejenigen, die sich nicht auf die
Lehre der römischen Kirche (Envoy, Luther)
01:26 $ 0.14 USD
19 The Folly, Act II: Vecchie letrose nun valete niente se non
a far l'aguaito per la chiazza (Chorus, Luther, Envoy)
01:42 $ 0.17 USD
20 The Folly, Act II: Verbrannt (Envoy, Luther, Chorus) 02:19 $ 0.23 USD
21 The Folly, Act II: Tu solus… (Chorus, Erasmus, Hutten) 03:57 $ 0.40 USD
22 The Folly, Act II: En Archêi ên ho Logos (Erasmus, Chorus,
04:12 $ 0.42 USD
23 The Folly, Act II: Tu solus qui facis mirabilia (Chorus) 01:41 $ 0.17 USD
24 The Folly, Act III: Dilecte fili, salutem et Apostolicam
benedictionem (Pope Adrian VI, Erasmus)
03:45 $ 0.38 USD
25 The Folly, Act III: Het is ein vloek om zo beroemd te zijn
als ik (Erasmus)
01:19 $ 0.13 USD
26 The Folly, Act III: Beatissime pater (Erasmus) 01:54 $ 0.19 USD
27 The Folly, Act III: Zeer goed (Erasmus, Chorus) 02:14 $ 0.22 USD
28 The Folly, Act III: Die Wahrheit ist mächtiger als die
Beredsamkeit (Luther, Erasmus)
02:22 $ 0.24 USD
29 The Folly, Act III: Nehmen wir also einmal an, es sei wahr
(Erasmus, Luther)
01:50 $ 0.18 USD
30 The Folly, Act III: Du aber, Erasmus, gehst auf Eiern
01:08 $ 0.11 USD
31 The Folly, Act III: Zu bekennen, auch wenn die ganze Welt
versinkt (Erasmus, Chorus, Luther)
01:09 $ 0.12 USD
32 The Folly, Act III: Wer Christ ist, muss friedliebend sein!
(Erasmus, Chorus, Luther)
01:00 $ 0.10 USD
33 The Folly, Act III: Wer den Erasmus zerdrückt (Luther,
Chorus, Erasmus)
03:46 $ 0.38 USD
Disc 2
34 The Folly, Act IV: Wörter (Büsslin) 02:38 $ 0.26 USD
35 The Folly, Act IV: Äs stinkt zum Zimmer use ins ganze Land
02:39 $ 0.27 USD
36 The Folly, Act IV: Laus Stultitiae… (Büsslin, Stultitia,
01:59 $ 0.20 USD
37 The Folly, Act IV: Nectar - Nectar? (Stultitia, Chorus,
Companions of the Folly)
03:07 $ 0.31 USD
38 The Folly, Act IV: The Folly is the one who rules (Chorus,
01:16 $ 0.13 USD
39 The Folly, Act IV: It is neither the lance of majestic
Pallas, nor the cloud-gathering Zeus who created the human
race (Stultitia, Companions of the Folly, Chorus)
01:29 $ 0.15 USD
40 The Folly, Act IV: The propagator of the human race is that
part which is so foolish and absurd (Stultitia, Chorus)
01:08 $ 0.11 USD
41 The Folly, Act IV: You think politics is a matter of
reflections and discussions? (Stultitia, Chorus)
01:04 $ 0.11 USD
42 The Folly, Act IV: War - No. The war! (Companions of the
Folly, Stultitia, Chorus)
02:31 $ 0.25 USD
43 The Folly, Act IV: Invite an intellectual to a dance and
you'll have a camel prancing about (Stultitia, Chorus)
03:07 $ 0.31 USD
44 The Folly, Act IV: Everybody thinks of a king as rich and
powerful man (Stultitia, Companions of the Folly, Chorus)
01:30 $ 0.15 USD
45 The Folly, Act IV: But if you destroy the illusion, the game
is spoiled (Stultitia, Chorus)
02:20 $ 0.23 USD
46 The Folly, Act IV: There is nothing more foolish than
exaggerated wisdom (Stultitia, Chorus)
02:07 $ 0.21 USD
47 The Folly, Act V: Was hast Du ihm gesagt? (Erasmus,
03:45 $ 0.38 USD
48 The Folly, Act V: Lieber, Hutten hielt sich hier wenige Tage
auf (Erasmus, Hutten)
01:50 $ 0.18 USD
49 The Folly, Act V: Einzig du hältst dich eingeschlossen in
deiner Wohnung (Hutten)
01:49 $ 0.18 USD
50 The Folly, Act V: Die Kriegsfahnen sind in die Höhe gehoben
01:22 $ 0.14 USD
51 The Folly, Act V: In so vielen Briefen und Schriften und
Erklärungen sage ich beständig (Erasmus, Hutten)
02:02 $ 0.20 USD
52 The Folly, Act V: Uns fehlt der Friede, den die Welt gibt
02:32 $ 0.25 USD
53 The Folly, Act V: Do hesch. Da (Büsslin, Erasmus) 01:21 $ 0.14 USD
54 The Folly, Act V: Erasmus alone 00:37 $ 0.06 USD
55 The Folly, Act V: Waarom dit boek? (Erasmus) 01:27 $ 0.15 USD
56 The Folly, Act V: O miseros, qui felicem illam piorum vitam
non credunt (Erasmus)
03:50 $ 0.38 USD
  Album total 117:50
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