The Dance inspirations / Musica Danzante are the result of several years of concert collaboration between the leading clarinetist Anna Paulová and the accordionist and composer Jiří Lukeš. Dance, as one of the most natural artistic expressions of the human body in time and space, has inspired music since time immemorial. Composers across historical styles have composed music for dance, often for fun, sometimes for sustenance, but always with gusto. As the Greek philosopher Heracleitos said, "Everything is in motion, nothing remains still." This thesis is fulfilled by the repertoire of this CD, with the exception of the first and last piece, Petri Makkonen's Dorian emotion, and Olivier Messiaen's Vocalise étude. These are intended to create a kind of counterbalance to the various dance elements and thus bring the listener to the small stops, so rare in today's hectic times.