| 902679DI 24 FLAC Discount
Campra’s famous Requiem emerged from a tradi... |
 | 90532526DI 24 FLAC Discount |
 | 290897778DI |
 | 902625DI 24 FLAC Discount
For more than forty years, Lalande was the F... |
 | 90235051DI 24 FLAC Discount
Northward ho! |
 | 905320DI 24 FLAC Discount
Before Versailles, the epicentre of power in... |
 | 90228081DI 24 FLAC Discount
Marc-Antoine Charpentier is the only compose... |
 | 90260306DI Following an initial reconstruction on disc in 2015, the Ballet ... |
 | 902269DI 24 FLAC Discount
Delicious melancholy
The circulation of art... |
 | 2279DIDI Until Charpentier, the myth of Orpheus had never provided the su... |
 | 902247DI Inspired Christmas music
Each year from 1684 to 1686, Marc-Anto... |
 | 902241DI 24 FLAC Discount
For twenty years (from 1663 to 1683) Henry D... |
 | 902206DI When Lalande left this vale of tears, his fame was at its height... |
 | 902194DI For more than 30 years, the career of Étienne Moulinié was insep... |