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Naxos Rock Legends
Naxos Rock Legends
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 8: Presley, Elvis: Elvis by Request (1954-1957)
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 7: 1957 Pop, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 5: 1956 Pop, Part 3
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 5: 1956 Pop, Part 2
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Orchestras / Ensembles
Acquaviva, Nick
Adamson, Harold
Adkinson, Eugene
Adler, Richard
Ahlert, Fred
Allen, R.
Allen, Robert
Allen, Shorty
Allen, Steve
Allison, Audrey
Allison, Jerry
Allison, Joe
Alstone, Alex
Anka, Paul
Arkin, Alan
Arnold, Eddy
Arnold, Kokomo
Attaway, William
Axton, Mae Boren
Bacharach, Burt
Bagdasarian, Ross
Baker, Bill
Ballard, Hank
Bargoni, Camillo
Barnes, Howard
Barrett, Richard
Barron, Bob
Bartholomew, Dave
Bedwell, Bernice
Belafonte, Harry
Belvin, Jesse
Benjamin, Bennie
Bennett, Boyd
Bennett, Joe
Bennett, Roy C.
Berry, Chuck
Black, Buddy
Blackburn, Tom
Blackwell, Otis
Blackwell, Robert Bumps
Blake, Eubie
Block, Alan
Bocage, Peter
Bock, Jerry
Bono, Sonny
Boulanger, Georges
Bowen, Jimmy
Bradford, Perry
Bragg, Johnny
Brecht, Bertolt
Brooks, Jack
Brown, John
Brown, Nappy
Bruns, George
Bryant, Boudleaux
Bryant, Felice
Buchanan, Bill
Buff, Wade
Buisson, Pierre
Bunton, Dorion
Burgess, Dave
Burgess, Lord
Butler, Billy
Byrd, Roy
Cahn, Sammy
Campbell, George
Campbell, Paul
Carey, Bob
Carl Sigman
Carmichael, Hoagy
Carroll, David
Carson, Jenny
Cartey, Rick
Cash, Johnny
Charles, Gordon
Charles, Ray
Chase, Lincoln
Chatman, Bo
Collins, Aaron
Collins, Albert
Collins, John
Comden, Betty
Conn, Chester
Cook, Joe
Cook, L. C.
Coots, J. Fred
Cornelius, Harold
Cowell, Johnny
Craft, Marty
Craft, Morton
Craft, Selma
Crewe, Bob
Curtis, Eddie Tex
Curtis, Mann
Danvers, Charles
Darby, Ken
Darling, Erik
Davenport, John
David, Hal
David, Lee
David, Mack
David, Sunny
Davie, Bob
Day, Bobby
Deane, Eddie
Dee, Johnny
Dee, Sylvia
Dehr, Richard
Demetrius, Claude
Denton, Jimmy
deRose, Peter
Diddley, Bo
Dixon, Julius Edward
Dixon, Reather
Doelle, Franz
Doggett, Bill
Domino, Fats
Donaldson, Walter
Donegan, Lonnie
Dorsey, Thomas A.
Dougherty, Dan
Drake, Jimmy
Dubey, Matt
Duke, Vernon
Duncan, Jimmy
Duning, George
Dupree, Harry
Durden, Tommy
Dusham, Bev
Edwards, Sherman
Endsley, Melvin
Engelmann, Hans
Evans, Dale
Evans, Ray
Fain, Sammy
Fields, Irving
Fisher, Fred
Fishman, Jack
Foley, Red
Ford, Naomi
Freed, Alan
Freeman, Jim
Frisch, Al
Fulton, Jack
Fuqua, Harvey
Gabler, Milt
Galhardo, Jose
Gallop, Sammy
Gamse, Albert
Garvin, Rex
Gathers, Helen
Gaze, Heino
Geoffrey Parsons
Gershwin, George
Giacomazzi, Angel
Gilbert, Jack V.C.
Gilkyson, Terry
Gillam, David
Gimbel, Norman
Glazer, Tom
Glover, Henry
Gluck, John
Goldner, George
Goodman, Dickie
Goodman, Dorothy
Gordon, Irving
Gorman, Chuck
Gray, Jerry
Grean, Charles R.
Green, Adolph
Green, Sanford
Guidry, Robert
Gunter, Arthur
Haley, Bill
Hamblen, Stuart
Hamilton, Arthur
Hamilton, Russ
Hammer, Jack
Handler, Mary Magaret
Harburg, E. Y. Yip
Harris, Woody
Harrison, Larry
Hart, Lorenz
Hayman, Richard
Hecht, Don
Henderson, Jimmy
Henderson, Joe
Herst, Jerry
Heusen, Jimmy van
Heyward, DuBose
Heywood, Eddie
Hill, Al
Hill, Billy
Hill, David
Hilliard, Bob
Hodge, Gaynell
Hoffman, Al
Holly, Buddy
Holofcener, Larry
Hudson, Will
Hunter, Ivory Joe
Jacobson, Kenny
James, Etta
James, Paul
Jeffrey, Allan
Joe Young
John Turner
John, Dominic
Johns, Leo
Johnson, Enotris
Johnson, James
Joiner, James
Jones, Andrew Jr. Boy
Jones, Biff
Jones, Ollie
Jones, Stan
Jordan, Dazz
Jovan, Nicholas
Joyner, Carol
Justis, Bill
Kahan, Stanley
Karr, Harold
Kellem, Milt
Kennedy, Jimmy
Kenny, Charles F.
Kenny, Nick
Kesler, Stan
Kessel, Barney
Killebrew, Tommy
King, Pearl
Kirkland, Leroy
Knox, Buddy
Kosloff, Ira
Kosma, Joseph
Kotscher, Edmund
Kramer, Alex
LaBostrie, Dorothy
Lampert, Diane
Land, Harold
Lane, H.
Lange, Eddie De
Larue, Jacques
Lebowsky, Stan
Lecuona, Ernesto
Ledbetter, Hudie Leadbelly
Lee, Leonard
Leiber, Jerry
Lendhurst, Pearl
Lerner, Alan Jay
Levy, Eunice
Lewis, Al
Lewis, Stan
Libbey, Dee
Lindt, Rudi
Little Richard
Little, Jack
Livingston, Jay
Livingston, Jerry
Loesser, Frank
Loewe, Frederick
Long, Burt
Lopez, Gil
Lovett, Leroy
Lowe, Bernie
Lowery, Fred
Lubin, Joe
Lucchesi, Roger
Luther Dixon
Lymon, Frankie
Madison, Frederic
Malkin, Norman
Malneck, Matty
Manker, Sid
Mann, Kal
Manning, Dick
Marascalco, John
Marchetti, Fermo D.
Marshall, John Stanley
Martin, Joe
Martin, Ralph
Matson, Vera
Matthews, Charles
Maxwell, Robert
Mayhew, Billy
McCarey, Leo
McClurg, Marion
McCoy, Rose Marie
Medora, John
Melody, Lord
Mercer, Johnny
Merchant, Jimmy
Merrill, Bob
Meyer, Chuck
Middleton, Tony
Miles, Jean
Miller, Frank
Miller, Ned
Mills, Irving
Milton Ager
Minucci, Ulpio
Monnot, Marguerite
Monroe, Bill
Moore, Marvin
Morgan, Freddie
Mullan, Richard
Murphy, Jessie
Musel, Bob
Mysels, Maurice
Navarro, Esther
Newman, Alfred
Newman, Herb
Newman, Joel
Niessen, Carl
North, Alex
Norwood, Dennis
Otis, Johnny
Owens, Cliff
Parish, Mitchell
Parker, Little Junior
Parris, Fred
Penniman, Richard
Perkins, Carl
Petty, Norman
Phillips, Sam
Pola, Eddie
Pomus, Doc
Popp, Andre
Portal, Otilio
Portela, Raul
Porter, Cole
Porter, Jake Vernon
Pought, Emma Ruth
Pought, Jannie
Presley, Elvis
Prevert, Jacques
Price, Lloyd
Quick, Clarence E.
Rainwater, Marvin
Raleigh, Ben
Ram, Buck
Rand, Ande
Randolph, Eugene
Raskin, William
Raye, Don
Razaf, Andy
Redd, Ramona
Richard, Little
Richards, Jack
Riley, Robert S.
Robbins, Marty
Roberts, Rhoda
Robertson, Don
Robey, Don D.
Robin, Sydney
Rodgers, Richard
Rogers, Smokey
Rose, Billy
Rose, Vincent
Rosenberg, Lee
Ross, Beverly Ruby
Ross, Jerry
Rothrock, Claire
Rotter, Fritz
Rouzaud, Rene
Russell, Bob
Salvador, Henri
Santiago, Herman
Schafer, Jack
Schrage, Otto der
Schroeder, Aaron
Scott, Bertha
Scott, Clifford
Scott, Winfield
Segal, Jack
September, Anthony
Seracini, Saverio
Shapiro, Joseph
Sharpe, Jack
Sheldon, J.
Sheldon, Jon
Sheperd, Shep
Sherman, Joe
Sherman, Noel
Siegel, Paul
Silver, Delores
Singer, Arthur
Singleton, Charles
Singleton, Charlie
Siras, John
Skylar, Sonny
Slack, Freddie
Slay, Frank
Small, Danny C.
Smith, Billy Dawn
Smith, Ernestine
Smith, Ethel
Smith, James
Snyder, Eddie
Sosenko, Anna
Spielman, Fred
Springer, Phil
Stallman, Lou
Steele, Lois
Steiner, Max
Stevenson, Bobby
Stillman, Al
Stock, Larry
Stoller, Mike
Stone, George
Stone, Jesse
Styne, Jule
Sullivan, Gene
Sullivan, Larry
Sylvia, Margo
Taylor, Bill
Taylor, Carmen
Taylor, Jack
Taylor, Willis
Tepper, Sid
Thomas, Joe
Thompson, Kay
Thorn, George
Tilghman, Bill
Tinturin, Peter
Tiomkin, Dimitri
Tobias, Harry
Toombs, Rudy
Travis, Merle
Troup, Bobby
Vale, Amadeu do
Van Dyke, Leroy
Varnick, Ted
Velona, Tony
Vincent, Gene
Walker, Cindy
Walker, Wiley
Ware, Dick
Warren, Harry
Washington, Ferdinand
Wayne, Sid
Webb, Laura
Webster, Paul Francis
Webster, Warwick
Weill, Kurt
Weinman, Bernard
Weisman, Ben
Weiss, George David
Wells, Robert
Wenrich, Percy
West, Sonny
White, Alan
White, David
White, William
Whiting, George
Whitney, Joan
Williams, Curtis
Williams, Dave
Williams, Fred
Williams, J. Mayo
Williams, Larry
Williams, Maurice
Williams, Tony
Willis, Chuck
Wilson, Forest
Wiseman, Scotty
Wolf, D.
Wright, Dorothy
Yakus, Milt
Yellen, Jack
Young, Faron
Young, John
Young, Victor
Zaret, Hy
Anthony, Ray
Ayres, Mitchell
Basie, Count
Baxter, Les
Bleyer, Archie
Carroll, David
Carroll, Jimmy
Cates, George
Cole, Buddy
Comstock, Frank
Conniff, Ray
Costa, Don
DeVol, Frank
Dorsey, Jimmy
Ellis, Ray
Evans, Marion
Faith, Percy
Fascinato, Jack
Fisher, Eddie
Gershenson, Joseph
Glahe, Will
Gold, Marty
Green, Johnny
Gregory, Johnny
Jacobs, Dick
Jeffrey, Mark
Justis, Bill
Kessel, Barney
Kirkland, Leroy
Leyden, Norman
Lowe, Bernie
Maddox, Johnny
Mantovani, Annunzio
May, Billy
Miller, Mitch
Morgan, Jaye P.
Muller, Werner
Obrecht, Reggie
Oliver, Sy
Paul, Frank
Peretti, Hugo
Perez Prado, Damaso
Pleis, Jack
Prado, Perez
Reisman, Joe
Riddle, Nelson
Rock, Billy
Schoen, Vic
Scott, Tony
Singer, Artie
Stabile, Dick
Stapleton, Cyril
Stoloff, Morris
Terry, Dave
Thomas, Millard
Thornhill, Claude
Vaughn, Billy
Weston, Paul
Winterhalter, Hugo
Young, Victor
Film and TV Music
Pop and Rock
Bass guitar
Electric guitar
Naxos Rock Legends
Ames Brothers, The
Archie Bleyer Orchestra
Art Mooney Orchestra
Artie Singer Orchestra
Barney Kessel Orchestra
Bernie Lowe Orchestra
Bill Doggett Orchestra
Bill Haley Comets
Bill Justis and His Orchestra
Billy May Orchestra
Billy Rock Orchestra
Billy Vaughn Orchestra
Billy Ward Dominoes
Blue Caps, The
Boyd Bennett and His Rockets
Buddy Cole Orchestra
Cadillacs, The
Carl Stevens Orchestra
Charms, The
Cheers, The
Claude Thornhill Orchestra
Cliffie Stone Orchestra
Coasters, The
Columbia Pictures Orchestra
Comets, The
Count Basie Orchestra
Cowboy Church Sunday School
Crew Cuts, The
Crickets, The
Cyril Stapleton Orchestra
Dave Terry Orchestra
David Carroll Orchestra
David Terry Orchestra
Diamonds, The
Dick Hyman Trio
Dick Jacobs Orchestra
Dick Jacobs Skiffle Band
Dick Stabile Orchestra
Don Costa Orchestra
Don Jacoby Orchestra
Don Wright Septette
Dream Weavers, The
Easy Riders, The
Ernie Freeman Orchestra
Five Keys, The
Fontane Sisters, The
Four Lads, The
Frank Comstock Orchestra
Frank DeVol Orchestra
Frank Paul Orchestra
Gene and Eunice
Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps
George Cates Orchestra
George Siravo Orchestra
Glenn Osser Orchestra
Gliders, The
Harry Zimmerman Orchestra
Hollywood Flames
Hugo Peretti Orchestra
Hugo Winterhalter Orchestra
Hush Puppies, The
Jack Fascinato's Orchestra
Jack Pleis Orchestra
Jimmy Carroll Orchestra
Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra
Joe Bennett and The Sparkletones
Joe Reisman Orchestra
Johnny Gregory Orchestra
Larry Williams Band
Les Baxter Orchestra
Little Joe and the Thrillers
Lonnie Donegan Skiffle Group
Louis Armstrong All-Stars
Mantovani Orchestra
Marion Evans' Orchestra
Marty Gold Orchestra
McGuire Sisters, The
Mickey and Sylvia
Midnighters, The
Millard Thomas Orchestra
Mitch Miller Orchestra
Mitchell Ayres Orchestra
Music of David Seville
Nelson Riddle Orchestra
Norman Leyden Orchestra
Paul Weston Music from Hollywood
Percy Faith Orchestra
Perez Prado Orchestra
Pete King Orchestra
Platters, The
Playboys, The
Ralph Marterie Orchestra
Ray Anthony Orchestra
Ray Conniff Orchestra
Ray Ellis Orchestra
Reggie Obrecht Orchestra
Rhythm Masters
Rhythm Orchids, The
Richard Maltby Orchestra
Robins, The
Rover Boys, The
Sharps, The
Shepherd Sisters, The
Studio orchestra
Sy Oliver Orchestra
Tarriers, The
Tennessee Two
The Five Satins
The Highlights
The Teen Queens
The Teenagers
Tony Scott Orchestra
Troubadors, The
Tune Weavers, The
Turbans, The
Vic Schoen Orchestra
Victor Young Orchestra
Werner Muller Orchestra
Will Glahe Orchestra
History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 2
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 5: 1956 Pop, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 4: 1955 Pop, Part 3
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 4: 1955 Pop, Part 2
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 3: 1956, Part 3
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 4: 1955 Pop, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 3: 1956, Part 2
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 3: 1956, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 2: 1955, Part 2
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 2: 1955, Part 1
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 6
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 7: 1957 Pop, Part 3
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 7: 1957 Pop, Part 2
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 5
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 4
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History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 6: 1957, Part 3
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