| BIS2450 In more ways than one, the Twelfth Symphony forms an exception i... |
 | BIS2592 The Finnish-American composer Alex Freeman has been described as... |
 | BIS2287
Penderecki & Nagano in conversation, 2018 Salzburg Festival... |
 | BIS2420 The music of Jón Leifs is often inspired by Iceland’s powerful n... |
 | BIS2452 Playful and with an acute ear for the full range of possibilitie... |
 | BIS2334 Well into the previous century Sweden was largely a peasant soci... |
 | BIS1970 5 Diapasons, Diapason 06/2013
Music Web International, June 2... |
 | BIS1503 This chronological exploration of the musical universe of György... |
 | BIS1889 Throughout his career, Jean Sibelius wrote pieces for choir whic... |
 | BIS1993 Music Web International: Recording of the Month, January 2013.
 | BIS1869 Gramophone Editor's Choice February 2012.
 | BIS1813 Marionette, or puppet plays and performances were highly popular... |
 | BIS1704 BBC Music Magazine: outstanding - Award 2010, Jury Prize for "Te... |
 | BIS1736 Music Web International: outstanding.
 | BIS1726 Klassik Heute 10/10/10.
 | BIS1520 Classics Today 10/10: "It's all wonderful".
 | BIS1350 Classics Today: 10/10; Gramophone: Outstanding; International Re... |
 | BIS1647 Klassik Heute: outstanding.
 | BIS1525 Classics Today: outstanding; Klassik Heute: outstanding.
 | BIS1531 International Record Review: outstanding; Klassik Heute: outstan... |
 | SIGCD073 Gramophone: outstanding: 'Ravishing music draws some exquisite s... |
 | BIS5028 30% Discount
In an attractively mixed programme, Allmänna Sån... |
 | BIS1214 Klassik Heute: outstanding.
 | SIGCD043 Mille Fleurs’ debut recording for Signum Records is devoted to o... |
 | BIS1230-31 BBC Music Magazine: Double 5 Stars; Classics Today 10/10; Music ... |
 | BIS950 BBC Music Magazine: outstanding; Fono Forum: outstanding. |
 | BIS5008 |
 | BIS5004 |
 | BIS731 |
 | PRCD9028 |
 | BIS497 |
 | BIS493-494 Hiroshima Concerto 1990 Live from the Basilica San Francesco in ... |
 | BIS0437 |
 | AMAD7167 |