| GP926 | | |
 | 8.574436 | | |
 | CHAN20271W Berlin Stories is the first in a new series of recordings by Tri... | | |
 | BIS2554 The fact that Nikos Skalkottas was one of Schoenberg’s elite com... | | |
 | CHAN10284W | | |
 | 8.574182 | | |
 | 885470016641 | | |
 | 8.574154 24 FLAC Discount
Despite his tragically short life, Nikos Ska... | | |
 | BIS2434 This programme of previously unrecorded works illustrates a high... | | |
 | ORC100105 | | |
 | BIS2439 The Greek soprano Fanie Antonelou and German pianist Kerstin Mör... | | |
 | BIS2364 The choice of works on this amply filled disc, as well as the pe... | | |
 | TRO-CD01424 | | |
 | TRO-CD01423 | | |
 | BIS1384 Classics Today 10/10.
| | |
 | CHAN10284 | | |
 | BIS1464 BBC Music Magazine: outstanding.
| | |
 | BIS1364 BBC Music Magazine: outstanding; International Record Review: ou... | | |
 | BIS1224 BBC Music Magazine: outstanding; Music Web International: outstanding. | | |
 | BIS1244 International Record Review: outstanding; Gramophone Award. | | |
 | BIS1204 BBC Music Magazine: Pick of the Month; International Record Revi... | | |
 | BIS1124 International Record Review: outstanding. | | |
 | BIS1133-34 Music Web International: Disc of the Month; CD Compact: outstand... | | |
 | 980443 | | |
 | BIS1024 BBC Music Magazine 5 stars; Classics Today 10/10; Klassik Heute:... | | |
 | BIS1014 Gramophone: Critic's Choice; Music Web International: outstandin... | | |
 | BIS954 | | |
 | BIS904 BBC Music Magazine 5 stars. | | |
 | C10439 | | |