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Rutter, John
Rutter, John
John Rutter
English composer John Rutter (b.1945).
Choral conductor, editor, arranger and record producer. Born in London, he was educated at Highgate School, where a fellow pupil was John Tavener. He then read music at Clare College, Cambridge, where he was a member of the choir and then director of music from 1975 to 1979. In 1974, Rutter visited the United States at the invitation of choral musician Melvin (Mel) Olson and conducted the premiere of his cantata "Gloria" in Omaha, Nebraska, in the Witherspoon Hall of Joslyn Art Museum. The composition, commissioned by Olson's Voices of Mel Olson chorale, has become a much-performed favorite over the years. (In the same concert, the Young People's Choir of the Midlands performed Rutter's "Eight Childhood Lyrics" in its US premiere performance.) In 1981 he founded his own choir, the Cambridge Singers, which he conducts and with which he has made many recordings of sacred choral repertoire (including his own works), particularly under his own label Collegium Records. He still lives near Cambridge, but frequently conducts other choirs and orchestras around the world. In 1980 he was made an honorary Fellow of Westminster Choir College, Princeton, and in 1988 a Fellow of the Guild of Church Musicians. In 1996 the Archbishop of Canterbury conferred a Lambeth Doctorate of Music upon him in recognition of his contribution to church music. He also works as an arranger and editor, most notably (in his youth) of the extraordinarily successful Carols for Choirs anthology series in collaboration with Sir David Willcocks.
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Adam, Adolphe
Albinoni, Tomaso
Alexander, Cecil Frances
Allain, Richard
Allegri, Gregorio
Anchieta, Juan de
Anderson, Leroy
Andrewes, Lancelot
Anschutz, Ernst
Arlen, Harold
Armstrong, Thomas
Arthur Henry Mann
Atkins, Ivor
Audelay, John
Auric, Georges
Bach, Johann
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bainton, Edgar Leslie
Ballet, William
Baring-Gould, Sabine
Barnard, John
Baynes, Sydney
Bednall, David
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Ben Rowarth
Berlin, Irving
Berlioz, Hector
Bernard, Felix
Betinis, Abbie
Bevan, Maurice
Bible, New Testament
Bible, Old Testament
Bible, Old Testament
Bible, The
Blake, William
Blane, Ralph
Blatchly, Mark
Bohlin, Folke
Bohlin, Ragnar
Bossi, Marco Enrico
Bradford, Barlow
Brahms, Johannes
Breiner, Peter
Britten, Benjamin
Brown, Gerald
Brown, James
Bruckner, Anton
Bruerton, Christopher
Buchenberg, Wolfram
Burke, Sonny
Burton, James
Byrd, William
Caccini, Giulio
Calvocoressi, M. D.
Cameron, John
Campbell, Thomas
Campkin, Alexander
Cappeau, Placide
Carmichael, Hoagy
Carmichael, John
Carrington, Simon
Carter, Andrew
Casals, Pablo
Caswall, Edward
Chaminade, Cécile
Charles Villiers Stanford
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
Chilcott, Bob
Christoph Israel
Clare, Alan
Clayton, Adam
Cole, Holly
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
Conley, Lloyd
Connor Koppin
Conte, David
Cooke, Phillip
Copland, Aaron
Corelli, Arcangelo
Cornelius, Peter
Cornysh (II), William
Croft, William
Crüger, Johannes
Cyril Vincent Taylor
Dale Trumbore
Daniel, Samuel
Darke, Harold
David, John
David, Piltch
Davies, Henry Walford
Delius, Frederick
Dering, Richard
Dove, Jonathan
Dowland, John
Dubra, Rihards
Dupre, Marcel
Dwight, John Sullivan
Dykes, John Bacchus
Ebeling, Johann Georg
Elliot, James William
Elliott, Richard
Elvey, George Job
Enns, Leonard
Eric Richards
Erkkila, Vesa
Ešenvalds, Ēriks
Este's Psalter, 1592
Evans, David J.
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Ferguson, William Harold
Ferm, Emma
Finnissy, Michael
Finzi, Gerald
Forrest, Dan
Foster, David
Francaix, Jean
Franks, Justin
Gabbitas, Christopher
Galián, Luis Eduardo
Galvani, Marco
Gant, Andrew
Gardiner, William
Gardner, John
Gauntlett, Henry John
Gershwin, George
Gesius, Barholomaus
Giazotto, Remo
Gibbons, Orlando
Glass, Philip
Goldstein, William
Goss, John
Gould, Morton
Grauntlett, Henry John
Green, Forest
Greene, Buddy
Greene, Maurice
Grolnick, Don
Gruber, Franz
Gruber, Franz Xaver
Guest, George
Hadley, Patrick
Hairston, Jester
Halley, Paul
Hammerschmidt, Andreas
Hancock, Gerre
Handel, George Frideric
Handl, Jacobus
Hans Berger
Harline, Leigh
Harris, William Henry
Hayman, Richard
Head, Michael
Hedén, Ola
Hely-Hutchinson, Victor
Henrici, Christian Friedrich
Henry Hall
Henry John Gauntlett
Hermann Delacher
Hess, Nigel
Hession, Toby
Hewitt Jones, Thomas
Higginbottom, Edward
Hill, David
Hine, Stuart K.
Hodges, Edward
Holford, William
Hollins, Alfred
Holm, Millan
Holst, Gustav
Hopkins Jr., John Henry
Hough, Beth
Howells, Herbert
Hughes, Daniel
Humperdinck, Engelbert
Hunt, Donald
Hurford, Peter
Hyde, Thomas
Ireland, John
Ives, Bill
Jackman, Andrew
Jackson, Francis
Jackson, Gabriel
Jackson, Stephen
Jacques, Reginald
Jansson, Marten
Jarman, Thomas
Jean Racine
Jessel, Leon
Jessie Seymour Irvine
Joel, Billy
John Francis Wade
John Mason Neale
Johnson, Edward
Jordan, Thomas
Josef Rheinberger
Josef Schnabel
Joubert, John
Judy Loman
Kent, Walter
Kidjo, Angelique
King, Henry
Kirkpatrick, Wayne
Kirkpatrick, William James
Knight, Peter
Kokkonen, Joonas
Kotilainen, Otto
L'Estrange, Alexander
LaBarr, Susan
LaDuke, Lance
Lake, Mayhew
Langford, Gordon
Laura Mvula
Lauridsen, Morten
Lawson, Philip
Le Jeune, Claude
Ledger, Philip
Lee, Peggy
Legend, John
Leighton, Kenneth
Lennon, John
Leontovych, Mykola Dmytrovych
Ley, Henry George
Lloyd, Erika
Lloyd, Richard
Lobo, Alonso
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio
Lotti, Antonio
Lovatt, Samuel Ernest
Luboff, Gunilla
Luboff, Norman
Luther, Martin
Lutosławski, Witold
MacMillan, James
Maconchy, Elizabeth
MacTaggart, Larry
Madetoja, Leevi
Mann, Arthur Henry
Manners, David
Mantyjarvi, Jaakko
Marchbank, Peter
Marks, Johnny
Marsh, Joanna
Martin, Hugh
Martin, Matthew
Martini, Jean-Paul-Égide
Mason, Lowell
Mass Text
Mass Text
Mass Text
Mateo Flecha the elder
Mathias, William
Matsushita, Ko
Maw, Nicholas
McCartney, Paul
McConnaughey, Jefferson
McDowall, Cecilia
McKie, William
Mealor, Paul
Mechem, Kirke
Mendelssohn (-Bartholdy), Felix
Michael Garrepy
Miessner, Hanns
Milburn, Dwayne S.
Miller, Edward
Milligan, Spike
Milner, Anthony
Mohr, Josef
Monk, William Henry
Moore, Philip
Mother Thekla,
Motshwane Pege
Mouton, Jean
Mullen, Larry
Murray, James Ramsey
Mychael Danna
Naylor, Ken
Neaum, Michael
Nelson, Robin
Nestico, Sammy
Newburgh Hamilton
Nicolai, Philipp
Nordqvist, Gustaf
Ohana, Maurice
Olsson, Otto
Ord, Boris
Overton, David
Owens, Matthew
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
Panufnik, Roxanna
Parish, Mitchell
Parker, Alice
Parry, Hubert
Patrick Gowers
Peacock, Adrian
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Pettman, Edgar
Philip Lane
Pierpont, Folliott Sanford
Pierpont, James
Pinel, Richard
Pitts, Antony
Plomer, William
Poole, Geoffrey
Popplewell, Richard
Poston, Elizabeth
Poulenc, Francis
Praetorius, Michael
Preston, Simon
Prichard, Rowland Hugh
Pritchard, Thomas Cuthbertson Leithead
Prokofiev, Sergey
Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens
Puccini, Giacomo
Purcell, Henry
Puth, Charlie
Quarles, Francis
Quigley, Patrick Dupre
Ralphsson, Jörgen
Rautavaara, Einojuhani
Redhead, Richard
Reed, Alfred
Reger, Max
Reynolds, H. Robert
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel
Rice, Robert
Richards, Geoff
Richards, Goff
Robert A. Harris
Robert Herrick
Robert Seymour Bridges
Robinson, Christopher
Roquemaure, Cappeau de
Rosetti, Christina
Ross, Graham
Rossetti, Christina
Rossi, Salamone
Rowlands, Williams Penfro
Rudolph, Glenn L.
Ruegg, Tim
Runestad, Jake
Rusby, Kate
Rutter, John
Rutti, Carl
Ryman, James
Salomo Franck
Salonen, Sulo
Sametz, Steven
Sargent, Malcolm
Sargent, Malcom
Scheidt, Samuel
Schoenberg, Arnold
Scholefield, Clement Cotterill
Schubert, Franz
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter
Schumann, Robert
Scott, Cyril
Scott, John
Senfl, Ludwig
Shakespeare, William
Sharp, C. J.
Shaw, Kirby
Shaw, Martin
Shaw, Robert
Shayne, Gloria
Shephard, Richard
Sheppard, John
Shore, Howard
Silbert, Scott A.
Simon, Paul
Sir Richard Rodney Bennett
Sirett, Mark
Sisask, Urmas
Sixten, Fredrik
Sjolund, Paul
Skempton, Howard
Southwell, Robert
Stark, Branko
Steel, Christopher
Stevens, Peter
Stopford, Philip
Stravinsky, Igor
Sullivan, Arthur
Sumsion, Herbert
Swayne, Giles
Swenson, Rob
Swingle, Ward
Tabourot, Jehan
Takemitsu, Toru
Tallis, Thomas
Taube, Evert
Tavener, John
Taylor, James
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich
Tegnér, Alice
The Edge,
Theodoricus Petri Nylandensis,
Thiel, Carl
Thomas, John
Thompson, Stuart
Thurston, Robert
Ticheli, Frank
Todd, Will
Tormé, Mel
Torme, Mel
Tranchell, Peter
Tunstall, KT
Tysoe, Albert
Van Dijk, Peter Louis
Various Composers
Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Vavilov, Vladimir
Vivian, James
Vogler, Abbe Georg Joseph
Wade, John Francis
Walford Davies
Wallace, Oliver
Walter Greatorex
Walter, Howard
Walther, Johann Gottfried
Warlock, Peter
Warrell, Arthur
Watts, Isaac
Watts, Mayme
Webern, Anton
Wedderburn, James
Wedderburn, John
Wedderburn, Robert
Weelkes, Thomas
Weir, Judith
Wells, Robert
Wesley, Charles
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
West, John E.
Whitacre, Eric
Whitehead, William
Widmann, Benedikt
Wilberg, Mack
Wilhousky, Peter J.
Willcocks, David
William Butler Yeats
William Harris
William Kirkpatrick
William Yanesh
Williams, Ralph
Williams, Roderick
Willis, Richard S.
Wiz Khalifa,
Wood, Charles
Woodward, George Ratcliffe
XV Century, anonymous
XVI Century French
Young, Robert H.
Young, Toby
Andrew Lucas
Backhouse, Jeremy
Barry Wordsworth
Bartle, Jean Ashworth
Battiwalla, Darius
Bohlin, Ragnar
Brown, Timothy
Brunelle, Philip
Budday, Jurgen
Burdick, Owen
Campbell, Hilary
Chan, Jimmy
Childs, Nicholas
Christopher Lowrey
Christopher Robinson
Christopher Stokes
Cleobury, Stephen
Corp, Ronald
Cullen, Joseph
Dagenais, Martin
Davis, Aaron
Davis, Michael
Edison, Noel
Fullington, Doug
Gambone, Ralph M.
Graden, Gary
Graham, Lowell
Grimo, Steven
Grogan, Jack H.
Halasz, Michael
Halász, Michael
Hannuksela, Sauli
Hayman, Richard
Helgath, Florian
Hickox, Richard
Higginbottom, Edward
Holgersson, Christoffer
Holgersson, Per-Henrik
Hughes, Daniel
Hunt, Donald
Hyde, Daniel
Jennings, Joseph H.
Jeremy Summerly
Johansson, Jerker
Jones, Brian
Kevin Mallon
Krcek, Jaroslav
Krček, Jaroslav
Lacey, William
Layendecker, Dennis M.
Lenard, Ondrej
Leonard Slatkin
Liimola, Heikki
Lloyd-Jones, David
Lone Larsen
McCarthy, Michael
Megan, Kenneth W.
Miller, Joe
Mogrelia, Andrew
Nethsingha, Andrew
Nicholas, Benjamin
Nilsson, Lars-Ewe
Nilsson, Torsten
Oberfrank, Geza
Owens, Matthew
Palmatier, Thomas H.
Pinel, Richard
Pitts, Antony
Quigley, Patrick Dupré
Rees, Owen
Robinson, Marsha
Ross, Graham
Rossiter, Grace
Rutter, John
Rydinger Alin, Cecilia
Sackett, Andrew
Schofield, Jr., Donald E.
Scott Price
Scott, John
Scribner, Norman
Sierichs, Alan C.
Sixten, Fredrik
Sjöberg, Fred
Stark, Eric
Steffey, Chad
Sutherland, Gavin
Suzi Digby
Swann, Frederick
Tim Brown
Tolley, Christopher
Walter, Alfred
Wetton, Hilary Davan
Widlund, Göte
Williams, Huw Tregelles
Wit, Antoni
Yngwe, Jan
Chamber Music
Choral - Sacred
Choral - Secular
Contemporary Era
Contemporary Jazz
Film and TV Music
Pop and Rock
Vocal Ensemble
Wind Ensemble/Band Music
Wind Music
Alto flute
Bass guitar
Double bass
Snare drum
Soprano saxophone
All rights reserved
Alpha Classics
Associated Music Publishers
Band Press VOF
Boosey & Hawkes
Boosey & Hawkes Ltd
Carus Music
Chanticleer Records
Chester Music
Chichester Music Press
Copy Control
Copyright Control
E.H.Freeman Ltd
Encore Publications
Erik Tilling Produktion
Faber Music
Faber Music Ltd
Footprint Records
Fox Publishing
Gehrmans Musikforlag
Graham Ross
Haenssler Classic
Harmonia Mundi
John Stevens
K&K Verlagsanstalt
King’s College, Cambridge
Kings College Cambridge
Mark Records
Marquis Classics
Music Sales Group
Naxos Digital Compilations
Naxos Special Projects
Novello & Co Ltd
Novello & Company Ltd
Novello and Co Ltd
Opus Arte
Oxenford Imprint
Oxford University Press
Presto Publications
Public domain
Resonus Classics
Rutter; Oxford University Press
Sally Dunkley
Schott Music
Seraphic Fire Media
Signum Classics
SK-Gehrmans Musikförlag
Sono Luminus
Southern Music Publishing
Stainer & Bell
Stainer and Bell
Stainer and Bell Ltd
Swedish Society
Universal Edition
University Carol Book: Freeman
Walton Music
Washington National Cathedral
WB Music Corporation/New Line Tunes and South Fifth Avenue Publishing
Westminster Choir College of Rider University
Winwood Music
Wise Music
Abela, Arianne
Abigail Gostick
Adam Banwell
Adolf Fredriks Gosskör
Aiken Anderson-Jané
Alden, Ben
Allen, Eric
Allen, Mike
Allmänna Sången
Amies, Theo
Anderson, John
Andrew Nethsingha
Ann Hoyt
Appl, Benjamin
Artist Unknown,
Ashton, Caroline
Bäcklund, Stefan
Baker, Rebecca
Baker, Richard
Barber, Thomas
Barlow, Brian
Barnaby May
Barrie, Caspar
Barsness, Norma
Bartram, Amy
Basso, Guido
Battiwalla, Darius
Beddoe, James
Bednall, David
Ben Bywater
Berger, Johannes
Berry, Alexander
Birch, John
Björklund, Mats-Erik
Black Dyke Band
Blossom Street
Borjesson, Paul
Boston Trinity Church Choir
Bray, Eleanor
Britten Sinfonia
Buckley, Claire
Burdick, Owen
Butterworth, Amy
Buzard, Stephen
Caleb French
Cambridge Singers
Cantate Youth Choir
Cappella SF
Castella-McDonald, Benjamin
Cathedral Voices
Challenger, John
Chamber Choir
Chapel Royal Choir
Charbonneau, Pascal
Chen, Christopher
Choir of Clare College Cambridge
Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Choir of King's College, Cambridge
Choir of Merton College, Oxford
Choir of New College Oxford
Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge
Choir of St. Johns College
Choral Project, The
Christian Heiss
Christina Hall
Christopher Gabbitas
Christopher Lowrey
City of London Choir
Clapham, Geoffrey
Clare College Choir, Cambridge
Cleobury, Stephen
Cloutier, Grace
Cole, Holly
Cox, Simon
Creese, Malcolm
Crider, Amanda
Crouch, Gabriel
Crystal Cathedral Choir
Cutler, Sara
Cypress Woods High School Varsity Mixed Choir
Daniel Pailthorpe
Daniels, Muriel
Davidson, Grace
Davies, Simon
Davis, Aaron
Deam, Donna
Devine, Graham Anthony
Dimmock, Jonathan
Dixon, Tom
Dmitri Ensemble
Dobing, Duke
Donal McCann
Dorsey, Richard
Douglas Tang
Dugdale, Rupert
Duncan, David
Edeltraud Appl
Ekström, Hanna
Eleanor Brindle
Elin Manahan Thomas
Elizabeth Cragg
Elliot Fitzgerald
Elora Festival Singers
Ensemble Altera
Evanson, John
Farnham Youth Choir
Finchley Children's Music Group
Fischer, Julia
Fitzgerald, Tobias
Flanagan, Richard
Florian Helgath
Foo, Julius
Forbes, Patricia
Ford, Martin
Forsman, Andreas
Fox, William
French, Stewart
Fritzsche, Christopher
Gabrielle Haigh
Gadd, Stephen
Gant, Harry
Gaynor, Ray
Gerald Finley
German Boys Choir
Gibbon, Lucy Fitz
Gill, Tim
Glassberg, Ben
Goldring, William
Goldsberry, Sharon
Gothenburg Boys Choir
Goyette, Johanne
Graham Anthony Devine
Graham Ross
Gray, Emily
Gregory, Julian
Greten-Harrison, Derek
Gritton, Harriet
Gruffydd Jones, Angharad
Guildford Choral Society
Halstead, Alice
Hannah Perowne
Hans Berger
Harju Chamber Choir
Helen Lilley
Henry Hawkesworth
Henry Websdale
Hermione Thompson
Hicks, Eleanor
Hicks, Peter
Hill, Alison
Hitch, Mary
Högalid Motet Choir
Holbling, Anna
Holbrook, Robert
Holton, Ruth
Hooker, Christopher
Hoyde, Christopher de la
Huddersfield Choral Society
Hugo Herman-Wilson
Hyde, Daniel
Iestyn Evans
Ilias Grau
Indianapolis Symphonic Choir
Irene Messoloras
Jack Lawrence-Jones
James McVinnie
James, Freddie
Jamison, Barbara Lynne
Jankowska, Beata
Jay Good
Jeffrey Makinson
Jesus College Chapel Choir
Jesus College Choir, Cambridge
JJ Rafferty
Joby Burgess
Joel Williams
Johansson, Madeleine
Johansson, Maria
John Matthews
Johns, Bernadette
Johnson, Johnny
Johnston, Raymond
Jonathan Vaughn
Jones, Karen
Julia Doyle
Kanga, Skaila
Kansau, Jimmy
Katarina Boys' Choir
Kay, Brian
Keillor, Garrison
Kelham, Oliver
Kelso, Mark
Kerrod, Jacqueline
Kettel, Gary
King's Singers, The
Kiviniemi, Kalevi
Kleinschmidt, Michael
Koller, George
Lapwood, Anna
Lawrie, Maximilian
Lello, Sebastian
Leong, Kerson
Leslie, Huw
Lewis, Christopher D.
Lies’l Hill
Limb, Elizabeth
Linder, Alf
Little, Alexander
Ljungqvist, Stefan
Lo, Raymond
Lois Salem
Lucas, Andrew
Lundell, Victoria
Lunn, Joanne
MacDonald, Basil
MacDonald, Robert
Macliver, Sara
Madchenkammerchor a St. Raphael Gymnasium
Madeleine Seale
Magdalen College Choir, Oxford
Manchester Cathedral Choir
Marshall, Melanie
Marshall, Richard
Marshall, Wayne
Masters, Rachel
Matthew Martin
May, Stephanie
McMurtery, John
McNair, Sylvia
Mellnäs, Marianne
Mellnas, Marianne
Michael Bloss
Michael Craddock
Miller, David
Mistry, Sarah
Mitchell, Jane
Mouterde, Raphaël
Mueller, Kathryn
Münchner Rundfunkorchester
Munroe, Jean
Neill, Henry
New London Children's Choir
Nicholas Childs
Nicholas Mogg
Nicolas Haigh
Nicolas Mogg
Noble, Martyn
Norrefalk, Mats
Nurse, Elizabeth
Nyström, Mats
Ora Singers
Orton, Stephen
Oscar's Motet Choir
Oscars Motettkör
Owen, Thelma
Oxford Camerata
Palm, Lennart
Parker Ramsay
Peter Harrison
Peterson, Sonny
Petite Bande de Montréal, La
Philip Curtis
Philippe Barbaroussis
Phoenix Chorale
Piltch, David
Polish Radio Choir
Poole, Quentin
Pro Musica Chamber Choir
Protik Moulik
Queen's College Choir, Oxford
Quinn, Emma
Radio Chorus
Rees, Dewi
Regensburger Domspatzen
Resonus Chorus
Richard Lippold
Riley, Jessica
Riverside Choir, The
Rix, David
Robert Busiakiewicz
Robertson, Ed
Robertson, Paul
Robinson, Rachel
Rupert Peacock
Saiki, Judy
Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys, Fifth Avenue, New York
Sam Landman
Sampson, Danielle
Samuel Lyne-Hall
Sanabras, Clara
Sandlund, Jörgen
Sarah Smith
Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School
Scott Price
Scott, John
Sébastien Van Kuijk
Seers, Mary
Semmens, Richard
Seraphic Fire
Sessler, Alexandra
Sheen, Benjamin
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
Shepherd, Peter
Sholto McMillan
Sidebottom, Amanda
Silver, Bonnie
Smith, Fleur
Somerville, Jocelyn
St Albans Abbey Girls Choir
St Albans Cathedral Choir
St. Jacob's Chamber Choir
St. John's College Choir, Cambridge
St. Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Choir, Hong Kong
Standage, Simon
Stark, Sherry
Stefan Kennedy
Stephen Sands
Stephen Varcoe
Stokes, Christopher
Stringer, Robert
Studio organist,
Sundström, Kristoffer
Suzi Digby
Swann, Frederick
Sze, Amy
Tadhg Fitzgerald
Tanya Houghton
Temple Church Choir
Tewkesbury Abbey Choir
Thomas, Reuben
Thomson, Brian
Timothy Orpen
Tom Etheridge
Tonus Peregrinus
Toronto Children's Chorus
Trinity Church Choir, New York
Tudor Choir, The
United States Air Force Singing Sergeants
United States Army Field Band Soldiers' Chorus
United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus
Unknown Artist
Vasari Singers
VocalEssence Ensemble Singers
Walker, John
Wall, Simon
Walshe, Emma
Ward, Laila
Ware, Mike
Washington Choral Arts Society
Washington National Cathedral Choir
Waton, Susan
Webb, Clare
Weiss, Alan
Wells Cathedral Choir
Wells, Alexander
Wenhov, Mikael
Westminster Choir
White, Gary
William Cole
Williams, Andrew
Williams, Jeremy Huw
Williams, Mark
Williams, Roderick
Williams, Roderick
Wilson, Nicholas
Winchester College Chapel Choir
Winpenny, Tom
Wirtz, Liza
Wong, Jordan
Worcester Cathedral Choir
Dazzling Light
24 FLAC Discount On Dazzling Light Christopher Lowrey and his...
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Sun Moon Stars Rain
Their second album for Signum Classics, Christopher Gabbitas and...
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Rutter: Brass at Christmas
24 FLAC Discount John Rutter is probably the most acclaimed a...
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The Christmas Album
German baritone Benjamin Appl celebrates Christmas through the e...
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John Rutter: Visions
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Rutter: Orchestral Carols
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In Paradisum
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Christmas Star: A Christmas Festival
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Veni Emmanuel: Music for Advent
The familiar hymn Veni Emmanuel is emblematic of the Advent seas...
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Glass - Rutter - Francaix: Harpsichord Concertos
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Veni Emmanuel: Music for Advent
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50 of the Best: Classical Music for Christmas
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A Winter's Light: A Christmas Collection
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2011 Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA): Cypress Woods High School Varsity Mixed Choir
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This is the Day: Music on Royal Occasions
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