Composer: Shakespeare, William Henry V* 07:08
01 Henry V: O for a Muse of fire 02:05 $ 0.38 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William King Richard III
02 King Richard III, Act 1: Richard: Now is the winter of our discontent... 02:50 $ 0.51 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Coriolanus
03 Coriolanus: You common cry of curs! 01:16 $ 0.23 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Richard II 09:10
04 Richard II: I have been studying how I may compare This prison 04:31 $ 0.81 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Hamlet 08:57
05 Hamlet, Act 3: Look here upon this picture... 02:15 $ 0.41 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William King John
06 King John: Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! 02:16 $ 0.41 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Macbeth* 02:43
07 Macbeth: If it were done when 'tis done 01:50 $ 0.33 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Henry IV Part 2
08 Henry IV Part 2: Go call the Earls of Surrey and of Warwick 02:06 $ 0.38 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Henry V* 07:08
09 Henry V: Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more 02:03 $ 0.37 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Hamlet 08:57
10 Hamlet, Act 3: Hamlet: To be, or not to be, that is the question 02:17 $ 0.41 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Richard II 09:10
11 What must the king do now? 01:55 $ 0.35 USD
12 Me thinks I am a prophet new inspired 02:44 $ 0.49 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Titus Andronicus
13 Titus Andronicus: Why, lords, what wrongs are these! 01:36 $ 0.29 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Hamlet 08:57
14 Hamlet, Act 1: Hamlet: O that this too too solid flesh... 02:08 $ 0.38 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William As You Like It
15 As You Like It: Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile 01:09 $ 0.21 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Macbeth* 02:43
16 Macbeth: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, 00:53 $ 0.16 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Henry V* 07:08
17 Henry V: What's he that wishes so? 03:00 $ 0.54 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William King Lear*
18 King Lear: Hear, Nature, Hear! 01:45 $ 0.32 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Hamlet 08:57
19 Hamlet, Act 4: How all occasions do inform... 02:17 $ 0.41 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Henry VIII
20 Henry VIII: Let me speak, sir 02:40 $ 0.48 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William Twelfth Night*
21 Twelfth Night: If music be the food of love, play on 01:03 $ 0.19 USD Composer: Shakespeare, William The Tempest*
22 The Tempest: Now my charms are all o'erthrown 01:10 $ 0.21 USD Album total 45:49