 | CHAN5271W 24 FLAC Discount
Composed between 1865 and 1868, Brahms’s Ein... | | |
 | CHAN5267W 24 FLAC Discount
Sibelius studied the violin in his youth, an... | | |
 | BIS2502 Celebrating his 90th birthday in 2022, Per Nørgård is undoubtedl... | | |
 | BIS2534 50% Discount - Top 25 2023
After acclaimed recordings of the ... | | |
 | BIS2572 50% Discount - Top 25 2023
Named ‘2022 Composer of the Year’ ... | | |
 | CHAN5250W 24 FLAC Discount
‘The burly Aussie tenor is now even more ide... | | |
 | BIS2594 Celebrating the 130th anniversary of Sergei Prokofiev (1891 – 19... | | |
 | BIS2464 Following a visit to Wagner in Bayreuth in 1873, Anton Bruckner ... | | |
 | CHSA5217 | | |
 | BIS2174 As a composer Sergei Prokofiev was so versatile that audiences n... | | |
 | CHSA5250-51 | | |
 | CHSA5198 | | |
 | BIS2404 Anton Bruckner wrote his Symphony No. | | |
 | CHSA5236 BBC Music Magazine: Gardner has something rather original to say... | | |
 | CHSA5237 | | |
 | BIS2068 It is striking that two of the true classics in English orchestr... | | |
 | CHSA5190 | | |
 | CHSA5189 | | |
 | CHSA5186 | | |
 | CHSA5204-08 | | |
 | CHSA5180 | | |
 | CHSA5178 | | |
 | CHSA5172-73 | | |
 | BIS2134 There is nothing unusual about a composer returning to a major w... | | |
 | BIS2071 Since his appointment as chief conductor and later music directo... | | |
 | BIS2124 Following on a highly regarded recording of Sergei Prokofiev’s S... | | |
 | BIS2088 Concerto Choice, BBC Music Magazine
Empfehlung des Monats, Fon... | | |
 | BIS2080 Choc, Classica
“The Norfolk-born bass-baritone’s voice, on th... | | |
 | CHSA5134 | | |
 | CHSA5131 | | |
 | CHSA5124-25 | | |
 | CHAN10766 | | |
 | BIS1994 Empfehlung, Klassik-Heute.de
5 Diapasons, Diapason
Album of th... | | |
 | CHSA5118 | | |
 | CHSA5113-14 | | |
 | BIS1751 Klassik Heute 10/10/10, February 2013.
| | |
 | BIS2002 Gathered here, the three discs with Felix Mendelssohn’s symphoni... | | |
 | BIS1940 Klassik.com: Outstanding August 2012: one 5 Stars, triple 4 Stars.
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 | CHAN10710 | | |
 | CHAN10693 | | |