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Momento immobile

Orchestras / Ensembles
Catalogue numberDRC1021
Release date2018-11-02

24 FLAC Discount

Hailed as 'the new voice of Russia' and the star of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Venera Gimadieva has quickly become one of the most sought-after lyric coloratura sopranos in Europe. Her performances as Violetta in La Traviata have earned sensational reviews, with the Guardian describing her at her Glyndebourne Festival debut as "a soprano of huge presence, compelling to watch, with a voice of thrilling security and range, and a special quality to her quieter singing that makes you hang on every note." Bel canto opera is a plethora of paradoxes and these are most powerfully embodied by the prima donna herself. Pure Read more
    File formats included in STUDIO QUALITY
    • FLAC 24-bit Stereo
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
    File formats included in CD QUALITY | MP3
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
$ 14.85
Extra material for download
SoloistAlberto Sousa
Natalia Brzezinska
Venera Gimadieva
OrchestraThe Halle
ConductorGianluca Marciano
ComposerGaetano DONIZETTI
Gioacchino Rossini
Vincenzo Bellini

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