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Charpentier: Pastorale de Noël – Grandes Antiennes O de l’Avent
Inspired Christmas music Each year from 1684 to 1686, Marc-Antoine Charpe...
Henry du Mont: O mysterium
24 FLAC Discount For twenty years (from 1663 to 1683) Henry Du Mont dir...
Charpentier: Messe de Minuit - In Nativitatem Domini Canticum
Marc-Antoine Charpentier was the Frenchcomposer of the Grand Siècle who le...

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Fauré: Requiem (1888)
Locke: Psyche
24 FLAC Discount
The Louvre and its music
Rameau: Les Boréades
Les Plaisirs du Louvre, Airs pour la Chambre de Louis XIII
24 FLAC Discount Before Versailles, the epicentre of power in...
Charpentier: Histoires sacrées
24 FLAC Discount Marc-Antoine Charpentier is the only compose...
Ballet Royal de la Nuit
Following an initial reconstruction on disc in 2015, the Ballet ...
Marc-Antoine Charpentier: La Descente d'Orphée aux Enfers
Until Charpentier, the myth of Orpheus had never provided the su...
Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Pastorale sur la naissance de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ
Inspired Christmas music Each year from 1684 to 1686, Marc-Anto...
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