| 8905358DI A puzzling paradox: although Vivaldi devoted over 30 years to co... |
 | PTC5186842 |
 | AP210D 24 FLAC Discount
The Haydn series continues with the Paris Sy... |
 | 902260DI A mirror for the human animal The inhabitants of the animal king... |
 | 90230607DI 24 FLAC Discount
A century after his death on 25 March 1918, ... |
 | 902368DI 24 FLAC Discount
Exquisite dialogue The church cantata very q... |
 | 902245DI Goethe . . . Eichendorff . . . Mörike . . . |
 | 902206DI When Lalande left this vale of tears, his fame was at its height... |
 | 902179DI Francis Poulenc’s corpus of songs is one of the most generous an... |