| AP340D 24 FLAC Discount |
| 290407086DI9 |
| AP280D |
| AP303D 24 FLAC Discount |
| HMNOEL20212DI |
| AP263D 24 FLAC Discount
The curiosity of the countertenor Andreas Sc... |
| 1552DI A great deal of silly nonsense about counter-tenors has been spr... |
| 50156667DI |
| 50154445DI |
| NC40031 |
| V5328 |
| 50149899DI ‘Perhaps no one has ever asserted so forcefully the victory of t... |
| HM0015D2 |
| HM8658D3 |
| E8555 |
| 590155354DI |
| 902051DI Oswald von Wolkenstein (literally ‘Oswald of the castle in the c... |
| 2901726DI |
| 7901357DI |
| 2998304DI |
| 31009936 There are few pleasures more delightful than musical melancholy,... |
| 901544.45 Please note: No booklet available for this album. |
| 290822628DI |
| 901957DI |
| 90167678DI |
| 901685DI |
| 90161415DI |
| 901603DI |
| 901505DI |
| 901644DI |
| 901651DI |
| 36106379 'An outstanding disc (...) most highly recommended.' Gramophone. |
| E8911 |
| E8897 |