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Dvořák: Sacred Songs

Catalogue numberC5207
Release date2015-09-04

    File formats included in STUDIO QUALITY
    • FLAC 24-bit Stereo
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
    File formats included in CD QUALITY | MP3
    • FLAC 16-bit Stereo
    • MP3 Stereo
$ 17.81
  10 Biblické písně, Op. 99, B. 185 (Biblical Songs) 28:04
01 No. 1. Oblak a mrakota jest vukol Neho (Clouds and Darkness) 02:12 $ 0.59 USD
02 No. 2. Skryse ma a paveza ma Ty jsi (Thou art my
02:13 $ 0.60 USD
03 No. 3. Slys, o Boze, slys modlitbu mou (Give ear to my
03:21 $ 0.90 USD
04 No. 4. Hospodin jest muj pastyr (The Lord is my shepherd) 02:49 $ 0.76 USD
05 No. 5. Boze! Boze! Pisen novou (I will sing a new song) 02:35 $ 0.70 USD
06 No. 6. Slys, o Boze, volani me (Hear my cry) 03:35 $ 0.97 USD
07 No. 7. Pri rekach babylonskych (By the rivers of Babylon) 03:20 $ 0.90 USD
08 No. 8. Popatriz na mne a smiluj se nade mnou (Turn thee unto
03:44 $ 1.01 USD
09 No. 9. Pozdvihuji oci svych k horam (I will lift up mine
02:25 $ 0.65 USD
10 No. 10. Zpivejte Hospodinu pisen novou (O sing unto the Lord
a new song)
01:50 $ 0.50 USD
  Preludes & Fugues, B. 302 11:54
11 Preludes and Fugues, B. 302: I. Prelude in D Major 02:13 $ 0.60 USD
12 Ave Maria, Op. 19b, B. 68 04:19 $ 1.17 USD
  Preludes & Fugues, B. 302 11:54
13 Preludes and Fugues, B. 302: II. Prelude in G Major 02:49 $ 0.76 USD
  Hymnus ad laudes in festo Sanctae Trinitatis, B. 82
14 Hymnus k Nejsvetejsi Tvojici (Hymn to the Most Holy
Trinity), B. 82, "Hymnus ad laudes in festo Sanctae
02:32 $ 0.68 USD
  Preludes & Fugues, B. 302 11:54
15 Preludes and Fugues, B. 302: III. Prelude in A Minor 01:30 $ 0.41 USD
16 Ave maris stella, Op. 19b, B. 95a 05:18 $ 1.43 USD
  Preludes & Fugues, B. 302 11:54
17 IV. Prelude in B-Flat Major 02:15 $ 0.61 USD
18 VIII. Fugue in G Minor 03:07 $ 0.84 USD
  Večerní písně, Op. 3, B. 61 (Evening Songs) 13:51
19 No. 1. Ty hvezdicky tam na nebi (The stars that twinkle in
the sky)
02:11 $ 0.59 USD
20 No. 2. Mne zdalo se zes umrela (I dreamt that you were dead) 04:46 $ 1.29 USD
21 No. 3. Ja jsem ten rytir z pohadky (I am that knight of
fairy tale)
01:51 $ 0.50 USD
22 No. 4. Kdyz Buh byl nejvic rozkochan (When God was a happy
05:03 $ 1.36 USD
  Album total 65:58
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